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每5月,我们都认识到亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民对美国的历史和文化作出的影响,贡献和影响。With the escalation of anti-Asian hate crimes and violence we’ve seen across the nation during the pandemic, there’s never been a more important time to support the Asian American community and its business owners, especially as we’re on the heels of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage (APIH) Month. Over the last year, we’ve seen a rise in interest from consumers looking to support Asian business owners on Yelp as the rate of searches for Asian-owned businesses in the U.S.增加3,404%2021年2月与前一年的同期相比。

为了帮助您开始,我们编制了一份全国送货的亚洲所有企业名单。从定制巧克力到茶具和婴儿用品,c舔下面的每张照片,发现一个新的亚洲拥有的业务,可直接进入前门。别忘了书签来保存到自己的收藏!Yelp还与Gold House合作,推出了可搜索的属性,使您可以更轻松地查找和支持亚洲所有业务。了解更多这里
