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Yelp的SF Elite Squad jump for贾斯帕的角落水龙头和厨房!!!

4月26日,旧金山精英小队在旧金山的Jasper 's Corner Tap & Kitchen享受到了精致美味的食物、创意鸡尾酒、DJ和一些令人惊叹的免费游戏。这是一个热闹的派对,有很多乐趣,人们唱了一整夜!!

下面是一位精英对那晚的评价我参加过的最好的Yelp精英活动之一!!贾斯珀真的为我们铺开了红地毯无限美味的小吃和一个储备充足的酒吧!一到餐厅,我就听到一个DJ在整个餐厅里播放着从90年代复古到现在的EDM的节奏。My favorite dishes of the night included the truffle mac and cheese, truffle mashed potatoes ( I love me some truffle ), tater tots, and NY strip steak. Everything was very well seasoned and cooked perfectly. The portions were perfect for sampling everything on the menu they provided for us. The make it yourself bloody mary bar was my favorite part of the night! Plenty of toppings and add ons such as bacon, celery, carrots, sauces, to top your vodka infused clamato juice. We also went on a tour of the hotel, and the recent renovations were gorgeous with a rustic colonial Spanish theme. Stepping into the lobby, I almost mistook it for a museum with all the beautiful artwork on the walls. The games were also so much fun! I played the ring toss at least 5 times until I finally got a wine bottle!” –丽莎·H。

关于Jasper 's Corner Tap & Kitchen- - - - - -创新的美国美食,手工鸡尾酒,和超过18本地酿造的啤酒使贾斯珀的角落水龙头和厨房完美的地方看你最喜欢的团队在12台平板电视。开放的早餐,早午餐,午餐,和晚餐,贾斯珀的即食厨房和调酒师经营的酒吧创建一个热闹的场景沉溺在高档美食酒吧票价在一个优雅而轻松的设置。对于团体寻找私人用餐,贾斯珀提供了几个选择的小组或全面买盘高达200。
