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Yelp最近举办了第12届哈帕逊- 我们的第一个全新的总部!!多年来,Hackathon在yelp中成为一个心爱的传统,导致了这种传奇项目克圭尔第一个yelp入住空间。但是这些哈克萨斯究竟是什么,为什么我们拥有它们?

在坚果壳中,Hackathon是一个为期两天的活动,我们的工程师在他们认为有用,有趣或酷的项目上释放工作。48小时的extravaganza搭配由您的传统含羞草吐司,而您的含羞草吐司真的,而工程师会聚集在一起的特殊版Hackathon Swag。然后,它已经去了比赛。



For the next two days, regularly scheduled projects take a back seat while engineers build, code and hack away on something that fascinates them – whether it be an issue they want to solve, a process they’d love to streamline or improve, or something completely fantastical they want to build. They’re encouraged to play around with with Yelp’s rich wealth of data and they have a chance to work with other engineers they may not normally interact with. Assembled teams call dibs on conference rooms, keep each other alert with nerf gun wars and some even camp out at HQ into the wee hours of the morning. To give our hard-working engineers a breather between coding sessions, we have surprises such as petting zoos, massage chairs and DDR battles.



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