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Yelp In Your Words: Starbright Floral Design

Q&A with Nic F. ofStarbright Floral Design,纽约最受欢迎的flori之一sts on Yelp.

What’s your origin story?
I startedStarbright Floral Designin 1994. My wife was in the flower business and I fell in love with the work that she did and wanted to start a new direction. I looked for a new way to do things and I examined the traditional business model of a typical flower shop and there was room to change things. As Starbright was being formed, along came this thing called the internet. The rest is history…

How have you used Yelp to grow your business?
I keep the photos fresh and interact with the reviews. I also keep increasing my advertising budget and then monitor effectiveness.

Starbright Floral Yelp photos

Why do you think people have written so many great reviews about you?
Because we show our customers how much we care. We are not perfect, but we appreciate the interaction. We always look for ways to make sure that we exceed our client’s expectation of their experience.

What’s the one piece of marketing advice you have for new businesses just getting started?
Find a creative way to do something that is already done. Then make your mark by marketing an existing product in a way and in a place where your competition does not exist.

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