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Eat24 iOS App Update: Fewer Clicks to a Food Coma

Have you heard the phrase “nothing worth having comes easy?” Well, we don’t agree. The easier it is to get a burrito delivered to your door, the better. And a burrito is definitely worth having.

That’s why we’re unveiling new updates to the Yelp Eat24 iOS app that will make it even easier to get your favorite food into your mouth in no time.Update your app nowto begin using new features that take full advantage of iOS 9 functionality, including app indexing in Spotlight search, universal links, and 3D touch, as well as the addition of Apple Pay.

Our goal is to minimize the clicks you have to make when ordering take out or delivery and to be better at guessing what you might be looking for. While mind reading software is not yet on the market, I’d say we’re getting pretty close. Here are a few ways this update will help you out:

  • App indexing in Spotlight search: Searching for specific cuisines and restaurants, like “Thai” or “Nick’s Crispy Tacos” through Spotlight search will display results for relevant content in the Eat24 app.

  • Universal Links: Web or email links to Eat24 pages including Menu, Order Status and Past Orders will open in the Eat24 App.

  • 3D Touch(for iPhone 6s and 6s+): Save time by peeking at restaurant menus, popular dishes, and larger photos without clicking through to a new screen.

  • Apple Pay: You’ve labored over meal selection and your cart is full of goodies. Check out in one click with Apple Pay to avoid the labor intensive reach into your wallet for a credit card.

Eat24 app update collageLeft to Right: 3D Touch item peek, 3D Touch quick action app menu, Spotlight search results.

Long story short: more food, fewer clicks, and even less wearing of pants. What’s not to love?