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Yelp Shamrocks都柏林与新欧洲总部的开放

Yelp将一个全新的办公室添加到混合中,并在爱尔兰的占地面积扩展,并在都柏林开设了一个新的办公空间!This new office is one of three outside the U.S. (in addition to our London and Hamburg offices), and it’s been given a full Yelp makeover as we continue our European expansion with plans to bring over 100 new jobs to Dublin, including roles in sales, engineering and finance.

这种新空间中的yelp vibes很强大,有很多鲜艳的色彩,现代设计和开放的工作领域,旨在合作。




To help us celebrate the arrival of our new addition, Ireland’s Prime Minister, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, stopped by our San Francisco HQ to meet me and the Yelp team, see the city where it all began for Yelp, and share in the good news of our expansion and local job creation in Dublin.


yelp自2009年以来一直居住在爱尔兰(社区经理Emily C. Reppin'都柏林!),这更大,更好的前哨是继续欧洲扩张的一个令人兴奋的下一步。有兴趣加入都柏林的Yelp团队吗?查看我们当前的职位开口等职业页面,并更多yelp.com/careers.